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What is MVLA Service League of Boys?Founded in 2013, the Mountain View/Los Altos Service League of Boys (SLOBs) mission is for parents and sons to initiate and promote educational and charitable endeavors that foster community responsibility as well as strengthen their parent-son relationship.
When can I sign up for SLOBs?Our annual membership enrollment period is from August 1st - August 31st. The SLOBs year is defined between the time period of August 1st and July 31st.
What is included in my membership?The cost of membership goes toward: - A new T-shirt if you are a new member (or a returning member needing a new size) - Website Costs - LAMVCF's Fee - Meetings (room rental, guest speaker fees & refreshments) - SLOBs Service Week Supplies - Other Philanthropy Services
How do I log meeting attendance and volunteer hours?Both volunteer hours and your meeting attendance are logged using Track It Forward. For instructions on how to log your hours, click "Member Login" on the homepage. After logging in, visit "Recording Service Hours" for detailed instructions.
I am interested in a Board Position - what next?Volunteering to serve on the board is a way to gain leadership experience and get more involved with SLOBs. CLICK HERE to learn more about the roles and responsibilites of each position so you can decide what might be the best fit for you. If interested in applying, fill out a nomination form. CLICK HERE for the application. You can nominate yourself or someone you think would be a good candidate for the position.
When do I need to complete my volunteer hours by?Our SLOBs Calendar year runs from August 1st - July 31st. All volunteer hours need to be completed by July 31st. Remember, if you missed more than 1 meeting you must make up the absence by working 2 extra service hours.
I just signed up - How will I get my SLOBs T-shirt?T-shirts are distributed at our meetings. We will also be having some new SLOBs merchandise available this year. All new members and all returning members (needing a new size) will receive a T-shirt. Parents can purchase additional T-shirts at the meetings for $10.00 each.
Does the SLOBs Executive Board need additional help?Yes, absolutely! SLOBs is run by parent and member volunteers. Our nomination commitee gathers in early January and helps select an Executive Board made up of active members and their parents that would like to take on more responsibilty. The Executive Board members work hard to keep the organzation run smoothly. If you have a special skill set or would like to get more involved, please contact any of the board members, at any time, and they can get you connected. Our board can always use additional support.
Can I volunteer at a non-supported SLOBs philanthropy and still get credit?No. As long as it's a SLOBs supported philanthropy, we honor the hours. If you volunteer at an organization that is not supported by SLOBs the hours will not go towards your yearly requirement.
Can I volunteer at a SLOBs supported philanthropy at a time not listed on the calendar?Yes. Members will get credit for any volunteer hours earned by volunteering at SLOBs approved philanthropic organizations, even if not listed on the calendar.
How are hours earned and credited?- All hours must be completed from August 1st - July 31st. - Credit is only given to service projects approved by the SLOBs board and available to the general SLOBs population. - No “double dipping” – Members cannot use hours volunteered for another organization toward their SLOBs hours (ex. Members who complete volunteer hours at church, boy scouts, etc. cannot count those volunteer hours toward SLOBs hours). - However, members may use SLOBs hours to fulfill volunteer requirements for school, because school is not a volunteer organization. - Philanthropic activities receive hour-for-hour credit for the amount of time engaged with the activity. - Travel time to and from activity is not included in hours count.
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